
Tract Guide to make a license application representation

Your first hurdle is finding the Camden Council Licensing main page as this seems to have been taken off the main menus of the site

This is the link

The first option there is to "Search the public register" which takes you here where you get help on how to search the Public Licensing Register

Direct link the the "Public Licensing Register"

Search the public register

You can search for an application or premises licence by:

  • premises name
  • street name
  • ward
  • a specific application or premises licence reference number
  • application status (such as "approved" or "under consultation")

To search exact phrases, put quotation marks around each phrase.

For example:

  • "gospel oak" "under consultation"
  • "finchley road" "application approved"

Click any application listing to view details.

Make a representation

You can make a representation on a licence or application if it is under consultation. Click the ‘make a representation’ link at the bottom of the details page.

For information on applications in consultation and on how to make a representation, contact the Licensing Team on 020 7974 4444

Under the Licensing Act 2003, each Licensing Authority is required to publish a statement of its licensing policy every five years.

Statement of Licensing Policy 2017 to 2022

Our statement sets out the principles we will apply when carrying out our licensing functions. It plays an important role in our wish to manage alcohol in terms of regulation and public health concerns.

It sets out how licensed premises should operate and contributes towards achieving:

  • reduced levels of crime
  • a vibrant cultural and leisure offer for residents, businesses and visitors that is safe and attractive

Our statement expires on 30 January 2022.

Download: Statement of Licensing Policy 2017 to 2022 (PDF)