Mecca Bingo Club
180 Arlington Road, London NW1 7HL
Mecca Bingo Club - 180 Arlington Road, LONDON NW1 7HL
Redacted application
Application to vary a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003
I/We Mecca Bingo Limited
being the premises licence holder, apply to vary a premises licence under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises described in Part 1 below
Premises licence number PREM-LIC\2576
Postal address of premises or, if none, ordnance survey map reference or description
Mecca Bingo Club
180 Arlington Road
Part 3 - Variation
Please describe briefly the nature of the proposed variation (Please see guidance note 1)
The proposed variation is to extend the hours for the provision of regulated entertainment (to include recorded music, live music, films, performances of dance and anything of a similar description) and the sale of alcohol from the current hours of Monday to Saturday 10:00to 23:30 and Sunday 12:00 to 23:30 to the proposed hours of Monday to Sunday 00:00 to 24:00 (24 hours).
To extend the provision for late night refreshment from the current hours of Monday to Sunday 23:00 to midnight to the proposed hours of Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 05:00 the following morning.
The opening hours will be Monday to Sunday 00:00 to 24:00 (24 hours).
To remove the non-standard timing relating to New Year's Eve.
Application reference: APP\PREMISES-VARY\094147
Premises name: Mecca Bingo Club
Premises address: 180 Arlington Road, London NW1 7HL
Ward: Camden Town with Primrose Hill
Status: Under Consultation
Correspondence Address : Woods Whur
Correspondence Address : Woods Whur
Applicant: Mecca Bingo Limited
Application type: Premises - Major Variation of Licence
Application date: 22/01/2019
Last date for representation: 19/02/2019
Committee hearing date: No information available
Date of temporary event:
Objections received: Yes
Granted/Refused date: No information available
Expiry date: No information available
They are using the same law firm as LabTech Camden Market - Woods Whur - a specialist licensing and regulatory law firm -
Application reference: GPL-VARY\094152
Premises name: Mecca Bingo Club
Premises address: 180 Arlington Road, London NW1 7HL
Ward: Camden Town with Primrose Hill
Status: Under Consultation
Correspondence Address : Woods Whur
Correspondence Address : Woods Whur 2014 Limited
Applicant: No information available
Applicant: Mecca Bingo Ltd
Application type: Premises Licence - Variation Application
Application date: 22/01/2019
Last date for representation: 18/02/2019
Committee hearing date: No information available
Date of temporary event:
Objections received: Yes
Granted/Refused date: No information available
Expiry date: No information available